Azure Migrate & Modernize Thursday | Finance & Professional Services

Transforming for the future

As Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella recently remarked, we have seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in a matter of months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many face-to-face and paper-based processes have become impossible as teams work from home. These and other sudden changes have led services providers to rapidly accelerate the digitization of their businesses. These measures include exploring the potential of cloud computing to help them automate operations, manage risk, prevent financial crime and cyberattacks, and personalize their services.

From risk management to data security, the cloud can both modernise and streamline existing processes in ways that can transform how a firm does business. Microsoft Azure helps you to combine data sources, integrate smart technology and understand customer preferences better while providing firms with unmatched reliability and scalability that they need to be both compliant and competitive.

How firms can implement a compliant, secure and scalable infrastructure? 

Our Azure M&M Thursday event fully focuses on the opportunities of Azure cloud technology for financial, telecom, consultancy, staffing and transport industries. Get inspired by our keynotes, partner sessions and an interactive Q&A.

  • You will learn about the benefits of cloud migration and the necessary steps to successful implementation.
  • We will discuss the specific trends for the financial & telecom, consultancy, staffing and transport industries and demonstrate Microsoft’s approach to these developments.
  • Breakout sessions hosted by Microsoft partners, full of useful real-life customer examples.
  • The event is aimed at IT professionals and IT decision makers


Get inspired by our keynotes, partner sessions and an interactive Q&A. Sign up now!